


全国城市365足彩下载(NLC)提出了这个问题 你联系你的国会议员 关于联邦层面正在讨论的有问题的“电子公平”立法. 具体来说,你应该让你的国会议员联系 众议院司法委员会,由 董事长鲍勃·古德拉特 (弗吉尼亚共和党.), 对立法草案表示关切, 被称为2016年在线销售简化法案, which pertains to the taxing of online sales and which could see action on Capitol Hill this month. 点击这里 审议条例草案.

NLC推动了一项法律的通过,该法律将填补在线销售税的漏洞, restore marketplace fairness for competing brick-and-mortar businesses and create new revenue for state and local governments. But the committee's draft lays out a complicated hybrid-origin approach to the sales tax collection, in which the seller’s state would determine what goods are taxed while the buyer’s state would determine the tax rate. The seller would remit collections to a "clearinghouse" that would distribute the revenue to the destination states. The draft would also limit audits of a seller’s remote sales to the origin state and would limit the destination-state’s rate for remote sales to a single statewide rate, 缴送工作解释.

这 proposal creates a rigorous tax collection and remittance system that does not ensure local governments would receive locally levied sales taxes. “试着解释一下. 这很难解释,”参议院少数党党鞭迪克·德宾(Dick Durbin)说.有人引用他对该法案的评论 政治报. 阅读更多报道 在这里. 相比之下,立法者去年推出了一项单独的, NLC-supported e-fairness法案, HR2775远程事务平价法案, in which state and local governments could oblige retailers to collect taxes on remote sales on a buyer-location basis. 点击这里 to find your representative in Congress and communicate your concerns about the Online Sales Simplification Act.

State general fund revenues rose in excess of $700 million in tax and non-tax dollars in the recently ended fiscal year, 代表一个3.3 percent increase over the prior year, the Insider State 政府ernment News Service reports. 引用 最新的月度数据 来自州审计长办公室, 该媒体报道称,税收收入增加了近8.61亿美元, 或者超过4%, 而非税收入下降了1.58亿美元, or 15.5%. 立法机关近年来降低了所得税税率. 上一财年的企业所得税收入减少了2.7亿美元, 或者20%, 虽然个人所得税收入增加了8.27亿美元, or 15.5%. 国家预算主任安德鲁·希思将后者与就业增长联系起来. 销售税收入增加了3.08亿美元,约为5%. 据the Insider透露, the end-of-year cash surplus after revenues and expenses came out to around $940 million. 点击这里 查看州政府的完整报告.

The scheduled trial over House Bill 2's restroom restrictions is moving down the calendar, 据美联社报道. 州共和党领导人赢得了推迟案件开庭的请求.S. Supreme Court weighs whether it will hear a transgender restroom access case in Virginia, 美联社报道说. 最初, 北卡罗来纳州的审判定于11月进行. 现在,预计在2017年5月. 朝中社还指出,美国政府正在进行军事演习.S. District Judge Thomas Schroeder recently granted in part a preliminary injunction for a group of transgender plaintiffs suing over the North Carolina law. 除此之外, HB2 sets out restrictions on restroom access in public buildings and schools in a way that the LGBT community and its supporters see as discriminatory -- requiring individuals to use only the restrooms that match their biological sex as defined on their birth certificate, 而不是性别认同. Judge Schroeder determined the plaintiffs had a good chance of success with their case that HB2 violates Title IX, 联邦政府禁止学校性别歧视. 这是围绕HB2的至少五起诉讼之一. 立法机关通过了这项法律, 它还禁止市政当局制定当地的非歧视条例, 在今年年初举行的为期一天的特别会议上. 阅读更多新闻报道 在这里.

代表. 冬青田庄

政府. 帕特·麦克罗里任命了里克·卡特林的继任者, the two-term 代表ublican state House member from Wilmington who resigned his seat last month. 冬青田庄, 该党在众议院第20区的提名人(卡特林没有寻求连任), won local party leaders' approval to fill the vacancy and received the governor's appointment last week as she heads to an uncontested ballot. 根据她的立法和竞选履历, Grange is director of community relations at Osprey Global Solutions ("a Wilmington company specializing in global, 全方位生命维持医疗, 物流与建筑, 还有安全问题, 培训和商业情报服务,她的丈夫, 大卫田庄, (该公司首席执行官),此前曾在美国.S. 1982年至1997年,陆军工程兵团. 她也是一名在美国工作了15年的律师.S. 陆军老兵, 全国步枪协会手枪和步枪教练, 还有一个隐蔽携带教练. The legislature, which last adjourned on July 1, is not scheduled to reconvene until January 2017. 卡特琳于8月辞职 花更多的时间在本地事务上,包括他的工程业务.

The Associated Press is reporting that last Saturday's brush with Tropical Storm Hermine caused at least $2.仅代尔县就有近660栋建筑损失500万美元. 这是初步估计,其中包括科灵顿和达克的七所严重受损的房屋, one home in Southern Shores destroyed by trees and one in Kitty Hawk rendered uninhabitable. 该县的大部分经济损失都落在哈特拉斯岛上, 据美联社报道, which adds that the estimate doesn't include debris removal costs or personal property damage, 比如车辆. 最新数据预计很快就会公布.

不再等待! 现在就注册 CityVision 2016年会 在罗利,10月. 23-25. 正如你现在所知道的,今年365足彩下载做了一些不同的事情 倡导目标会议 will be on Sunday the 23rd with cities and towns determining legislative and regulatory priorities for the 2017-2018 NCGA biennium. Attending the 倡导目标会议 is the best way to help us better position cities' and towns' advocacy efforts in 2017 and beyond. 确保在倡导目标会议上听到你的声音,投下你的一票!

进入CityVision 2016年年会, 你将学习如何将成功故事与你的公民联系起来, 社区及其他, 适应人口和文化的变化, 并在你的家乡发展强大的经济基础. 做一次旅行,在你的日历上检查两个重要的会议! 点击这里 to register for both the 倡导目标会议 and the CityVision 2016年会.

报名已开始 for the next joint meeting between League members and Duke Energy to discuss issues surrounding the modernization of municipal 街道照明. 会议将于9月10日举行. 26, 10 a.m. 到2点.m.他在20世纪90年代的杜克能源公司工作.J. 米勒礼堂(526 S. 教堂的圣.夏洛特). 这次会议将作为365足彩下载之后开始的讨论的继续, in 2013, 在联邦最高法院介入杜克能源卡罗来纳费率案之前.C. 公用事业委员会. It's an opportunity for Duke to check in with municipal customers to discuss outdoor lighting strategies, 最新情况和可持续发展工作. The discussion will include updates on LED modernization, new products, industry news, and more. 联系人: 莎拉·柯林斯

上周的一集 市政方程 -- an extended edition -- featured big perspective and sharp insights on modern law enforcement issues from leaders in the field as well as state lawmakers who attended a recent League forum, 应…要求举行 N.C. 立法黑人核心小组在警察和公众之间的信任这个话题上. 没机会听? 点击这里. 你会听到 森. 弗洛伊德McKissick 达勒姆和 代表. 花环皮尔斯 of Wagram discuss police training, trust with civilians and relationship-building, while 代表. 约翰Faircloth of High Point recalls being a police officer in the 1960s and how technology has evolved since. 所有这些,以及更多在这个特别节目, 市政方程的扩展版, 365足彩下载关于所有挑战的双周播客, 解决方案, 今天市政当局的成功和新概念.

想要下周的预告吗? 点击这里. 我们要和威廉·埃格斯谈谈, 德勤政府洞察中心执行董事, about what he sees as the new baseline for adoption of technology in government and what the modern citizen -- becoming more accustomed to apps and web portals that deliver services upon demand -- might expect in that regard. 他说,缺乏技术整合也会影响市政厅的人才招聘. 点击这里 所有过去的情节和 在这里 在iTunes上免费订阅. 该播客也可以在像Stitcher这样的移动流媒体服务上观看, 谷歌玩, 阴, TuneIn和更多. 谢谢你的聆听,还有 请花点时间在iTunes上给我们的播客一个好评.

Manufacuring Day 2016 -- a "celebration of modern manufacturing meant to inspire the next generation of manufacturers" -- is set for Oct. 组织者正在鼓励当地团体围绕这一节日策划活动. "Whether through a plant tour for community partners or an open meeting with your organization’s leadership and elected officials, Manufacturing Day is a great way for you to increase public awareness of the manufacturing industry,广告上说. “请帮助招募你所在社区的公司参与!“访问 www.mfgday.com 了解更多.